C & G (LloydsTSB Bank) SWIFT code LOYDGB21Y67

The SWIFT code consists of 8 to 11 characters (letters and numbers) , each group of digits and letters gives information about the bank branch.

The SWIFT code consists of:


  • LOYD - bank code, known as C & G (LloydsTSB Bank)
  • GB - country's ISO code, (United Kingdom)
  • 21 - the code for the city where the bank is located
  • Y67 - this part is optional and it helps us identify the branch.


Bank / Institution C & G (LloydsTSB Bank)
Branch / Headquarters
Address C&G (305955) Cheltenham & Gloucester savings PO Box 1888 Hampshire SP10 9BF
City Andover
Phone number (845) 6020022
Country United Kingdom