SWIFT codes of Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau in Germany

In order to make international payments to Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau in Germany you have to know the bank´s SWIFT / BIC code.

What do Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau SWIFT codes look like in Germany?

The SWIFT code consists of 8 to 11 characters (letters and digits) and for Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau in Germany the SWIFT code has the following format:


  • LANS - First 4 characters (only letters) - Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau code.
  • DE - Next 2 characters (only letters) - Germany´s ISO code.
  • Next 2 characters (letters and digits) - location code.
  • Last 3 characters (letters and digits) – bank branch (optional).

SWIFT codes of Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau in Germany

Find below an extensive A to Z list of the SWIFT codes of Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau in Germany:

SWIFT code Bank City
LANSDE55010 Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau Annweiler am Trifels
LANSDE55020 Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau Bad Bergzabern
LANSDE55030 Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau Edenkoben
LANSDE55040 Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau Herxheim bei Landau, Pfalz
LANSDE55050 Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau Offenbach an der Queich
LANSDE55XXX Sparkasse S?dliche Weinstra?e in Landau Landau in der Pfalz